Driving to other European countries post-Brexit? You’ll need a ‘green card’ to use your UK insurance

Driving to other European countries post-Brexit? You’ll need a ‘green card’ to use your UK insurance

18th February 2020

With the UK scheduled to leave the EU on 29th March 2019, we want to provide our customers with a summary of the insurance implications of driving your vehicle in the EU in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

What happens before 29th March

At the moment, there is a Green Card-free circulation area. In this area, systematic checks of Green Cards as proof of third party motor insurance have been abolished at the border of EEA member states and 3 other countries (Andorra, Serbia and Switzerland).

What happens after 29th March 2019 if there’s no deal

What will change?

If the UK leaves the EU in March 2019 with no deal, access to the Green Card-free circulation area would cease. This would mean that UK motorists would need to carry a Green Card as proof of third party motor insurance cover when driving in the EU, EEA, Andorra, Serbia and Switzerland.

UK motor insurers will still cover the legal minimum motor insurance cover for travel to EEA countries. So you won’t need to purchase additional third party motor insurance cover when you travel to these countries in a UK-registered vehicle.

However, you will need to carry a printed copy of a “Green Card”.

A Green Card is an international certificate of insurance issued by insurers in the UK, confirming that the driver has third-party motor insurance cover in place for the country they are travelling to.

What will I need to do?

You will need to contact your motor insurance provider at least a month before you are due to travel so that your green card can be issued in time

How much will it cost?

This will depend on your insurer. It is possible that there may be a small admin charge for providing the Green Card documents.

What if I travel without a Green Card?

You will be breaking the law. If you attempt to drive without a Green Card, you may be accused of driving without insurance and could be subject to a fine, having your vehicle seized or prosecution.

If you need any further insurance guidance, please contact MPW on [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.