Remember Remember the 5th November!

Remember Remember the 5th November!

18th February 2020

The damage caused by the anti-social use of fireworks is a serious concern.

Some of the busiest nights for the police, fire brigade, and other agencies, are around this time of year, as it includes Halloween and bonfire night. The incorrect use of fireworks can pose various threats to buildings, including commercial industrial premises, and to business continuity.

The risks posed by fireworks, as a result of burning debris, or because of anti-social behaviour, can be reduced by taking basic precautions:

– Take care to ensure that open areas surrounding the premises are clear of rubbish and waste bins are secured.
– Timber pallets, plastic crates, and other combustible materials should be located a suitable distance away from the buildings.
– Ensure all areas of the premises are secured at the end of the working day. Any possible means of entry through which fireworks could be introduced should be properly closed and locked.
– Flammable liquids and gases should be confined to their designated storage facilities.
– In areas where the risk of anti-social behaviour is high, consideration should be given to protecting letter boxes internally with proprietary metal containers.

By taking these simple precautions you can help your business avoid any unnecessary claims over this period.